Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Robot Apparitions!

So what's the worse thing ever?

John Travolta?

The list could go on for days. What's important is that none of them hold a candle to the worse thing ever.

A Robogeist.

Imagine a robot if you will. I know what you're thinking.

Dave, I guffaw at your attempt to introduce the thought of spectral robots being anymore then wacky conjuring's of imagination! Stories from a 10 cent comic! Tales from Science Fiction Masterpiece Theater, the show that's on public access between a taping of the Town Hall meeting and 'Hanks hour of white power'.

To which I retort, "Shut your mouth and let me write the blog."

Once again, imagine a robot it you will. Horrifying and merciless, it's metal framed body glints in the light (or clanks in the dark, depending on what time of day it is for you in your imagination) as it moves toward you. It's eyes, glowing blood red as it shambles toward you in it's awkwardly mechanical movements.

Now, immediately imagine a Poltergeist. A ghostly being that announces it's presence by creating terror and disorder in your home. This trickster from beyond the grave is surly and unruly. It'll stop at nothing until it gets what it wants.

I propose this. If a particularly mean spirited robot were to parish by perhaps a laser beam or psychic alien energy blast, were to die inside or nearby your home.

You'd be haunted by the Robogeist.

What does this have to do with this blog? I'll feed you baby birds, worry not.

It's the randomness. A Robogeist is the most random merging of two words I could think of at the exact moment that I ideated a new blog. Seeing as all the posts are going to be random bits of information, interesting points, links and general ramblings....I figured it would be characteristic of me to name it after the first random word that came to me mind.

Plus it's a ghost robot. If you can explain to me how that's lame, I might be inclined to give you one of those chocolate coins you get at Easter. Or, a punch in the mouth, pending on what you're into.


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